Hi Everyone,
I just can’t believe we’re really in 2025. How did this happen?
Weren’t we just bringing in 2010?
This month’s concert comes from a concert we did in 2011. And it’s a real beauty.
My band and singers and a 65 piece orchestra! I think the audiences loved this show. I sure did!
I created a wonderful overture for the orchestra to play. And boy, did they ever!
My band and singers and I had a ball every night performing in front of all that music coming at us.
My favorite moments were “Bring On Tomorrow” since the “Fifteen Minutes” album had just come out and ending the show with “Old Friends/Forever And A Day”.
I think you’ll really like this one.
All best my friends,
Up Next in '10
Manilow Paris Las Vegas - October 24,...
Hi Everyone,
This month’s ManilowTV is the complete version of our show at Paris Las Vegas that we did from 2010 to 2011.
It was the most beautiful show we had ever done.
I created it with the genius Jeffrey Hornaday and his brilliant team of magicians.
It was the most complicated an...
MANILOW: Live in London - 8 September...
In September of 2018, we did a small tour of the U.K. We did six shows – Leeds, Manchester and Birmingham and three shows in London at the 02 Arena.
All of them were great fun.
We thought you’d enjoy watching a current show instead of one from the past.
So here’s our show in London on Septembe...