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  • Big Fun Tour - Las Vegas Hilton - January 12, 1988

    Hi Everyone,

    This month’s MTV is a very appropriate one.

    Since we’re celebrating our 500th show (!!) at the Westgate (Las Vegas Hilton), this month's MTV takes place the very first time we performed on that stage.

    500 shows! Wow!

    It was January 12th, 1988 and we were near the beginni...

  • Hot Tonight Tour - Los Angeles, CA - December 27, 1983

    Hi Friends,

    Chris Walters here.
    I work for Barry’s management company, STILETTO Entertainment.
    I have been involved with ManilowTV since its inception.

    This performance really moved me, so I asked if I could say something about this one.

    On first glance, one might think this was a poor choi...

  • Barry Manilow's Christmas Magic - N.E.C. - Birmingham, England - November 1984

    Barry Manilow's Christmas Magic
    National Exhibition Center
    Birmingham, England
    November 1984

    Hi Everyone,

    It's that time of the year so some holiday music seemed fitting.

    We received such great feedback on the last episode that we’ve decided to show the 2nd BBC special from this con...